Are Air Filters Worth the Investment?

When it comes to air purifiers, there is a common misconception that thicker, stronger carbon filters are the only effective option, and that they are expensive and a waste of money. However, this is not necessarily true. As long as you choose an air purifier with the right filters and an airflow and capacity powerful enough for your room size, it can be a worthwhile investment. Indoor air is two to five times more polluted than outdoor air, so prioritizing healthy indoor air is essential.

Portable air purifiers, or single-room stand-alone units, may be a waste of money in the long run. It is better to opt for a whole-home purification system instead of single-room units. An air purifier is not a waste of money, as it can improve indoor air quality by removing harmful particles in the air. It works great to provide clean air to the house and is worth every penny you spend on it.

Without harmful allergens in the air, allergies such as cough, sinuses, itching, dry eyes and headache will go away and you will live happier and healthier. The EPA recommends air purifiers as a great approach to improving the indoor air quality of your residence. The best type of air purifier is one with a HEPA filter. This filter traps microscopic particles (up to about 0.3 microns) as they move in the fibers as a purifier circulates air.

There are no major disadvantages to using an air purifier, but it is important to choose one with the right filters and capacity for your room size. The ACH (Hourly Air Changes) is an indicator that shows how often an air purifier filters or replaces all the air in a given space per hour. This number varies depending on the type of purifier you choose, so it is important to do your research before investing in one. Generally, good quality air purifiers are recommended to patients as a way to help with their particular concerns if they know that it is mainly caused by the air they live in.

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